SPM coming edi!!!
All of my friends!!
plz wish me luck!!!
thank you XD.....
Friday, November 19, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
thank you all of my friends
I love my Friends
I love my Friends
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I hate this world
I hate this country
I hate this state
I hate this school
I hate this house
I hate this family
I hate myself......
But i love all my friends....
thank you
I hate this country
I hate this state
I hate this school
I hate this house
I hate this family
I hate myself......
But i love all my friends....
thank you
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Go K wit old fren!!!
Today is my old fren birthday, yuet hong...
we go sing k ant green box in jusco
before we in to the green box,
we meet our another old fren that change school, ee khin
he become old like me have beard edi XD
then we went in and sing plus play and dance XD
wat a happy day
we go sing k ant green box in jusco
before we in to the green box,
we meet our another old fren that change school, ee khin
he become old like me have beard edi XD
then we went in and sing plus play and dance XD
wat a happy day
Go K wit old fren!!!
Today is my old fren birthday, yuet hong...
we go sing k ant green box in jusco
before we in to the green box,
we meet our another old fren that change school, ee khin
he become old like me have beard edi XD
then we went in and sing plus play and dance XD
wat a happy day! yeah!!
we go sing k ant green box in jusco
before we in to the green box,
we meet our another old fren that change school, ee khin
he become old like me have beard edi XD
then we went in and sing plus play and dance XD
wat a happy day! yeah!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Time Square
Walao to day went to time square with my fren......
the girls went there to buy cloths
i with the guys just follow
and i recognize the girls was very pro...
they can keep choosing cloths at 1 shop about 156minutes until 2o++minutes
and shop by shop 1 by 1 walk in zzzzz
and we just follow like crazy XD
but is still ok to me la
just quite a fun day with my frens and tommorow go again to spend my money ^.^
the girls went there to buy cloths
i with the guys just follow
and i recognize the girls was very pro...
they can keep choosing cloths at 1 shop about 156minutes until 2o++minutes
and shop by shop 1 by 1 walk in zzzzz
and we just follow like crazy XD
but is still ok to me la
just quite a fun day with my frens and tommorow go again to spend my money ^.^
Friday, June 4, 2010
End of the exam
I am very happy that exam is over and start holiday
but also scare of my money fly away
because will hang out with frens leh
=.=lll dunno how......
sienz leh!!!!!!
but also scare of my money fly away
because will hang out with frens leh
=.=lll dunno how......
sienz leh!!!!!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
My feeling??
What is love and what is like??
What is the meaning of love and like??
What is the feeling of love and like??
And what is the different of love and like??
What is the meaning of love and like??
What is the feeling of love and like??
And what is the different of love and like??
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Lame Saturday =.=lll
Lol yesterday(Saturday)[24-04-2010]
need to wake up morning at 6am++
to be ready to go to school(class tambahan)
the time table of the school is so untidy....
all the period become 'luan'(in chinese)
miss some class after the recess....
and the afternoon...
suddenly my friend,Jason tell me to go Park Valley..
lol call me when i am playing games Xd
when at the park and yan min and jason were play skateboard
and me also join them lo...
when i try it and 'pokkai 2 times T_T (that hurt)
but the result is i can play leh(begginer style)
is still a lame SATURDAY!! zzzzz
need to wake up morning at 6am++
to be ready to go to school(class tambahan)
the time table of the school is so untidy....
all the period become 'luan'(in chinese)
miss some class after the recess....
and the afternoon...
suddenly my friend,Jason tell me to go Park Valley..
lol call me when i am playing games Xd
when at the park and yan min and jason were play skateboard
and me also join them lo...
when i try it and 'pokkai 2 times T_T (that hurt)
but the result is i can play leh(begginer style)
is still a lame SATURDAY!! zzzzz
Sunday, April 4, 2010
ק¥记得我们要'笑口常开', 哪你身边的人都会特别开心。¥§×
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Cameron Highland trip
Thursday night
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
ou might find that a special talent, or something that you are a specialist at is called upon today, Scorpio. It's all about your uniqueness, but it's not all about you. Your luck is in finding others who share the same talent or interest to help you take things to the next level. You will not only get the job done, it will also help you appreciate and therefore refine your own uniqueness. Don't try to force yourself into a place where you don't fit: today you can really be true to yourself.
This is one of those periods Scorpio, where woe be to anyone that tries to get in your way. Though your enthusiasm and drive are at an all time high right now in every area of your life, you are seeing this most in your romantic situation. This will be a day where you will enjoy some lovely headway in your romantic affairs, and you have already laid all of the emotional groundwork to ensure this. You may also receive word or messages from an unexpected source today, so be open to any communication that presents itself as an opportunity. Do not over think or over analyze, but you can use these communications to your advantage in your romantic affairs.
Love: * *
Be careful how you handle matters of the heart today. Your focus today should be on practical matters rather than emotional ones.
Career: * * * * *
Your hard work is paying off, someone at work has noticed your effort and you will be rewarded today.
Health: * * * *
You've been doing really well at keeping up your health!
Wealth: * * * * *
A promotion or large sum of money may be coming into your possesion soon! You may be able to take that vacation you've been wanting!
Post my readings to my profile!
This is one of those periods Scorpio, where woe be to anyone that tries to get in your way. Though your enthusiasm and drive are at an all time high right now in every area of your life, you are seeing this most in your romantic situation. This will be a day where you will enjoy some lovely headway in your romantic affairs, and you have already laid all of the emotional groundwork to ensure this. You may also receive word or messages from an unexpected source today, so be open to any communication that presents itself as an opportunity. Do not over think or over analyze, but you can use these communications to your advantage in your romantic affairs.
Love: * *
Be careful how you handle matters of the heart today. Your focus today should be on practical matters rather than emotional ones.
Career: * * * * *
Your hard work is paying off, someone at work has noticed your effort and you will be rewarded today.
Health: * * * *
You've been doing really well at keeping up your health!
Wealth: * * * * *
A promotion or large sum of money may be coming into your possesion soon! You may be able to take that vacation you've been wanting!
Post my readings to my profile!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Shit i can't take it anymore!!
that sohai kanasai teacher no brain!!!
my hair not long still cut my hair like 'lan'
diao sohai ji bai!! fcking bull shit!!
make me spam all the bad words!!!!
that sohai kanasai teacher no brain!!!
my hair not long still cut my hair like 'lan'
diao sohai ji bai!! fcking bull shit!!
make me spam all the bad words!!!!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Happy BBQ party at Jason's house
Just nothing to say and just 1 word is fun!!
if wan see picture plz go to facebook!!
Just too boring to write........
if wan see picture plz go to facebook!!
Just too boring to write........
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Chicken lucks
属鸡人逢虎年,其年食神星临,运行正财,生意兴隆,财源茂盛,凡经营求谋,势有过倍之利。时有小病小耗,并无大碍。同时有小人忌之,切记柔可克刚。农历网提示:今年逢上劫煞,凡事小心!首先,最忌与他人合作,恐最终被他人出卖。你每行一步,身旁的人都在指指点点、意见多多,最好不要随便听信他人,因为今年小人特别多,说话愈是动听之人,愈需对他加以防范!幸而情况也并非一边倒,年内亦同时有贵人出现,若然能够小心选择贵人益友,接受他们的建议及忠告,则今年的运程便可保平稳。在机遇来临之时不可散慢、懒惰,亦不应三心两意,应当扩大自己...的思维网络,多学多问,事事要亲力亲为才会有新转机。事业方面肖鸡者是年会出现一些新的合作伙伴,会有较顺意的合作条件,水涨船高,在钱财上有正面之得益。今年的成败在于灵活及有新意,主动出击亦是得失的重要因素。财运方面财运方面今年运程不错,但容易被人误导,所以任何决定应有自己的判断,不要听信他人做出超出自己能力范围以外的投资。按部就班,见好即收,否则会因贪而败。在投资的买卖上不可跟风,注意文件合约,如对方是异性的话,更宜小心因色而败。情感方面感情:属鸡者今年感情方面多姿多彩,但忌贪心,一脚踏两船、三心两意。此外多防桃花多而心猿意马,如有合眼情缘,应早拉天窗,否则夜长梦多。已婚者今年感情运不俗,以往纵有争拗口舌,亦可化干戈为玉帛。唯于一九六九年及一九五七年出生的女性,应防配偶有墙外桃花,应宜多加关心忍让,方保不失。健康方面健康:健康方面应留意有肠胃、心脏等毛病,忌烟酒。人多车多之地方切忌流连过久,以防感染。今年防「病从口入、祸从口出」。勿多管闲事,少说是非,密切注意饮食卫生。女性小心头痛、阴虚的毛病;男性则有口腔类的小疾。防家中火险,假若家中有小孩子,则更应多加留意。是非方面本年虽有是非星,但幸得贵人化解,逢凶化吉,不必过于多虑。但也要防止得意忘形,触犯小人。属鸡的男生今年领悟力特强,较易吸收新知识,若能专心温习,学业成绩定可突飞猛进,金榜题名。 但今年易受损友诱惑,必须远离,以免近墨者黑。属鸡的女生今年家庭和顺,家庭收入丰足,其乐融融;但切勿太贪,贪得无厌便会后患无穷。健康良好,需远离烟酒及麻醉毒品。属鸡的少女,今年社交活跃,与人相处融洽,与爱侣亦情投意合,感情将大有进展。属鸡人虎年趋吉避凶法总运 庚寅虎年锦囊属鸡人逢虎年,其年财源茂盛,求谋顺遂,但遭逢“劫煞”,恐最终落入圈套。若要运势更佳,必须在正北方,或工作台上、床头摆放一尊《吉牛揽金》吉祥物,聚气生金。倘若随身再佩带《吉牛揽金》吊坠与摆放的吉祥物相辅相成,则功效更快更显!财运 《八运兴财》可扫牛、鸡、蛇人困顿之象属相为牛、鸡、蛇的人,虎年暗克太岁,在庚寅年事不顺心,要象青牛一样安步当车,稳妥进取,在家中卧室摆放《八运兴财》吉祥物可一扫困顿之象,大发财源。事业机遇 增强合力,提高效率,摆放《转运龙龟》牛、鸡、蛇三相人在庚寅年若要谋求发展、须在办公桌或写字台上摆放《转运龙龟》吉祥物,可逢凶化吉,否极泰来,免除口舌是非,增强员工凝聚力,提高工作效率。情感人缘 《双鱼戏珠》吉祥物,可增旺桃花蛇鸡牛人踏入虎年,与太岁暗克,心烦之事杂而多乱,感情运势下滑,意见分歧。用《双鱼戏珠》吉祥物,可促使爱情,友情之火重新点燃,和好如初。健康 身体健康的守护神,《弥勒赐寿》蛇、鸡、牛三相人,在2010年烦心事多,俗话说气大伤身,不利健康。在卧室中摆放《弥勒赐寿》吉祥物,可使人心旷神怡,健康长寿。祸福转运 虎年负面煞星较多,需要随身护命保平安鸡人虎年在摆放《吉牛揽金》吉祥物的同时,如果再佩带龙鸡六合手链和金鱼涌财腰挂(男)包挂(女)则可全方位提升运势,阻挡凶星发挥作用,确保健康幸福!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Happy chinese new year and Happy Valentine day!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Pavilion again~_~
Friday, January 22, 2010
Merentas Desa.....
Today merentas desa but is nothing special happen cause i be the member of PBSM that work at my station is quite boring when started. This is because no 1 is here!!!
lol nothing to say just very hot hot and hot when doing work!!
lol nothing to say just very hot hot and hot when doing work!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Study make me feel a lot of pressure!!!!!
just feel pressure and no mood to write...
i hate it zzzz
just feel pressure and no mood to write...
i hate it zzzz
Saturday, January 2, 2010
School day is coming back!!
Scholl day are back and our gaming time is end...
this is sad that i cant play game edi but can back to school and met with all my fren..
this make me happy ^_^
this is sad that i cant play game edi but can back to school and met with all my fren..
this make me happy ^_^
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